The global movement for registration of clinical trials was first made public in September 2004 when the first simultaneous editorial was published in New England of Journal of Medicine and 10 other medical journals that were all members of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The aim of this movement was to increase transparency in the conduct of clinical trials particularly by pharmaceutical companies. The rationale was the ethical obligation of those who conduct clinical trial studies to reciprocate the altruistic action of patients and other participants of clinical trials that knowingly put themselves at risk for the sake of fellow patients and human beings. Later on World Health Organization adopted the initiative and the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform was formed along with a network of Primary Registries and the WHO portal to collect the 20 minimum items of Trial Registration Data Set (TRDS) in English from the network members. (For more information please visit

Please make a note of the following points if you want to register a trial in IRCT

  • We only approve the registartion of cliniclal trial that have obtained their ethial approval from a valid Ethics Committee (Institutioal Review Boards)
  • Clinical Trials that are conducted in Iran should register their protocol information in IRCT both in Persian as well as English Language
  • Information you submit regarding your trial protocol will be made public once your trial registartion is approved in IRCT
  • You will no longer be able to delete a trial, once the registration of the trial is approved in IRCT
  • Registration process should be completed before enrolment of the first patient
  • We only register interventional trials performed on human beings in IRCT. Please do not enter information regarding animal and/or observational studies
  • Please create a new record for each trial. If what you are doing is part of a bigger trial please do not create more than one record for a single trial. Note that if your trial is part of your dissertations / PhD thesis, information related to the non-trial part of this should not be entered along with the trial record. On the other hand if one big trial has become the subject of more than one dissertation/phD thesis, the whole study should be registered as a single entity and trial slicing should be avoided
