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Study aim: Determine the effect of NBS powder on immune system function and clinical manifestations in patients with COVID-19 Design: The randomized clinical trial, parallel groups, 23 patients will be enrolled in each arms of the study. Settings and conduct: This study will be performed in Sina hospital, Hamadan, Iran. In this study 46 patients selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria will be divided into two groups (23 in each group) by simple randomization. Patients in control group will be prescribed standard regimen for COVID-19. Patients in intervention group in addition to the standard antiviral treatment of the two-drug regimen, NBS powder will be taken at a dose of 2 g / day for 4 weeks. Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria: The confirmed COVID-19 patients through PCR over the age of 20 year and is not allergic to the powder used. Intervention groups: In the intervention group, in addition to the standard antiviral treatment of the two-drug regimen, NBS powder will be taken at a dose of 2 g / day for 4 weeks. The control group will only receive standard antiviral treatment with a two-drug regimen. Main outcome variables: Improve clinical signs and strengthen the immune system
IRCTID: IRCT20200426047206N1
  1. Investigating the effect of Nutrition Bio-Shield (NBS) herbal powder on inflammatory laboratory parameters and its effect on the mortality rate of patients with covid-19
  2. The Effectiveness of the Herbal Supplement Nutrition Bio-Shield (NBS) Superfood in Controlling Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  3. Evaluation of NBS herbal powder effects as a complementary medicine on the recovery of patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
  4. The efficacy of the herbal supplement Nutrition Bio-Shield (NBS) Superfood in improving the nutritional, clinical, and laboratory status of patients after bariatric surgery in a double-blind clinical trial.
  5. Evaluating the effects of the supplement supper food (NBS) on depression, anxiety, stress and weight in women with depression and overweight (or obesity) compared to control group
  6. Investigating the effect of the Nutrition Bio-Shield (NBS) herbal supplement on the treatment of patients with nosocomial multi-drug resistant bloodstream infections admitted to emergency Intensive care unit.
  7. Evaluating the effects of the NBS super-food dietary supplement on the symptoms of hyperactivity, attention deficiency, and appetite in adults with ADHD compared to placebo
  8. ٍEvaluation of Safety and efficacy of anakinra utilization in COVID-19, a randomized controlled clinical trial
  9. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Tenofovir antiviral drug beside routine drug regime (standard of care) in COVID-19 patients
  10. Dose-Finding study of Ivermectin treatment on patients infected with Covid-19:A clinical trial