Objectives: the aim of this study is understanding the effect of selenium on acute phase reactants and thyroid function test in hemodialysis patients.
Design: randomised clinical trial.
Setting and conduct: after determinding the serum level of selenium in hemodialysis patients who refferd to Emam Reza hospital, 100 patients who have selenium defficiency devided into 2 groups by age, sex and body mass index. One group treated by selenium capsule 200mg daily for 3 months and the other group treated by placebo capsule.
Before and after intervention we measured ESR, CRP, FERRITIN, TSH, T4 and T3RU.
Participants including major eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria: the patient's willingness to cooperate; at least 6 months passing after dialysis starting . Exclusion criteria:infectious diseases during last 3 months; steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; vitamins E,C and zinc usage within two months before the study.
selenium capsule 200 mg daily for 3 months.
Placebo capsule daily for 3 months.
Main outcome measure: