How patients are randomized will be classified as randomization blocks. Patients who need hospitalization are divided into four categories based on SpO2 and high-risk groups at the beginning of the visit, including patients in the high-risk group with SaO2 below 93%, patients in the high-risk group with high or equal SaO2 93%, patients in the group Low risk with SaO2 below 93% and finally patients in the low risk group with high SaO2 or equal to 93% will be divided. High-risk criteria include age over 60, with underlying disease such as immunodeficiency, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, malignancies, immunosuppressive patients, patients undergoing chemotherapy, chronic liver disease including cirrhosis and chronic disease Kidney will be considered. In each floor, blocks of size 4 are considered so that assuming the drug combination of chloroquine + Sovodak (sofosbuvir + Daklatasvir) as drug combination A and drug combination chloroquine + Kaletra as B, permutations of blocks in the form of AABB, ABAB, BBAA , BABA, ABBA, and BAAB will be produced. The sequence of blocks is randomly determined and patients in all four classes are named, thus depending on the time of referral will be placed in these blocks in order. It should be noted that the preparation of blocks and the placement of patients in blocks (assignment of patients to treatment groups) will be done by a third party who is not directly involved in the treatment of patients. Medications will also be prescribed by the clinical staff (assistants of the relevant departments) who are not involved in conducting this study.