Study aim
Determining the effectiveness of Haft Bahr Sinodrine product in the treatment of Covid 19
60 patients referred to Shohada Tajrish Hospital in Tehran who meet the inclusion criteria are divided into two groups of intervention and control randomly based on the pair or individual patient admission code.
Settings and conduct
Intervention group: Group receiving Synodrine Haft Bahr solution (combination of 'Sainodrine' solution: The registered drug 'Synodrine Haft Bahr' has been registered with the registration number 0235-93S in the Ministry of Health of Iran under the name of Malabhar. The active ingredient of this drug is natural sodium chloride. And compounds from different salts such as calcium, chlorine, potassium, sodium). How to use Saino Drin Spray: 6 times a day in the nose, if patient has sputum in the back of the throat, should drain it and gargle three times a day after emptying the sputum. In case of any discharge, the discharge should be emptied.
Control group: The group receiving the routine protocol of national treatment of patients with COVID 19 (Remdecivir) alone.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Diagnosis based on clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, headache, runny nose and sometimes eyes, sore throat, shortness of breath, severe pain, dry mouth, loss of sense of smell, nausea and frequent vomiting.
Exclusion criteria: reduction of arterial O2 blood pressure, severe pulmonary changes in radiography, lack of improvement in symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting, and lack of improvement in the symptoms.
Intervention groups
Intervention group: national protocol includes Remdesivir for 5 days (two doses per day by injection) in addition to seven-sea sainodrine solution. Control group: only national protocol.
Main outcome variables
Blood oxygen levels, sore throat, length of hospital stay.