Study aim
Determining the effect of breathing exercises training on arterial oxygen saturation and anxiety in COVID-19 patients
A clinical trial with the control group, randomized, 70 Covid-19 patients
Settings and conduct
Kamkar-Arabnia hospital in Qom city
After completing the written consent of the patients, information is collected from the samples of the intervention and control groups by means of a Beck Anxiety Inventory and a checklist of clinical information on O2Sat and respiration rate. Then, the training program of breathing exercises and relaxation runs for the intervention group, during 15-minute daily sessions for 4 weeks at home and virtually. The subject of these sessions is active coughing exercises, diaphragmatic breathing, and budding lips, chest volume-enhancing exercises, and resistance exercises of the respiratory muscles. During these four weeks, the research team will follow the intervention group. The control group will not receive any training intervention. In both groups, one week after the intervention, a post-test will be taken.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
Going through the acute stage of the disease, male and female patients aged 20 to 75 years, having full consciousness, having the desire to participate in training, have not previously received any training on breathing exercises, and have not participated in any other training program during this study.
Exclusion criteria:
Having heart, kidney, liver, gastrointestinal, and peripheral edema problems, uncontrolled diabetes, and blood pressure, and exacerbation of the disease and death of the patient during the study.
Intervention groups
Intervention group: Training program of breathing exercises and relaxation. Control group: no receive any training intervention.
Main outcome variables
Arterial blood oxygen saturation; respiration rate; and anxiety level