Study aim
Evaluation of effect of diode laser in the healing process of periapical lesions of single channel anterior teeth with root retreatment
A controlled, single-blind, randomized clinical trial
Settings and conduct
Selection of 24 patients who need endodontic retreatment in anterior teeth, preparation of parallel radiographs of patients, and devising them randomly into two groups. In both groups, canal cleaning and shaping are done in the first session. For group 2, in the second session, after the final washing with distilled water, 940nm laser is used by Smile Doctor device with 200-micrometer fiber, continuously and 1.5watts. In each channel, 2 seconds of radiation will be done for every millimeter of channel length. Radiation is done twice in each channel. Fiber optic that if 1mm shorter than the working length will be used in the circumferential direction of the canal. The healing process of periapical lesions of patients will be followed up before, 3 and 6 months after treatment, and measured by parallel radiography and periapical index. After collecting data, it will be analyzed and statistically interpreted.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Entry: to 40-year-old, no medical history, periapical lesion in the radiograph, patient's consent
Exit: illiterate patient, systemic disease, history of antibiotic use and hospitalization, a tooth that is periodontally and endodontically complex and incurable
Intervention groups
Intervention group: in the second session, after the final washing with distilled water, 940nm laser is used by Smile Doctor device with 200-micrometer fiber, continuously and 1.5watts.
Control group: Routine root canal treatment
Main outcome variables
Laser power, periapical index, age, gender, root fracture/crack, root resorption , transportation, ledge, the apex of the root, sinus tract, periodontal pocket, tooth mobility, and overfilling