Study aim
Comparison of the effect of dexmedetomidine and propofol injection in electrochemotherapy of breast cancer skin lesions
A concealed, randomized, blinded trial with a double-arm, paralleled group design
Settings and conduct
36 cards will be placed in sealed opaque envelopes and shuffled. Patients will choose the selected envelopes without knowing their contents. Only those responsible for the randomization process will know which cards are in each envelope, while other members of the research team are kept unaware. Then, the anesthesiologist opens the sealed envelope. Based on the grouping in the opened envelope, the anesthesiologist prescribes the medicine to the patient. Medicines are injected with the same image and in such a way that the patient does not know the difference between them. In this study, propofol is injected with a dose of 25 -75 macro/min/kg. Dexmethomidine is prescribed first with a bolus dose of 0.5 to one macro/kg and then one-tenth to one macro/kg per hour. The study will be held at Loghman Hospital.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: Symptomatic skin metastases (bleeding, exudation, smell or wound), lack of response to systemic treatment for skin lesions, patient's own preference for electrochemistry, multiple skin lesions or lesion larger than 1 cm, ASA group II, I, III, patients between 18 Up to 60 years, exclusion criteria: Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Allergy to any of the drugs used in the study, blood pressure, impaired liver and kidney function. Hereditary heart diseases, ischemic heart disease, smoking, using beta blockers and sedative drugs or refusing to sign an informed consent form.
Intervention groups
dexmedetomidine or propofol injection in breast cancer patients with skin metastasis who are candidates for electrochemotherapy
Main outcome variables
NPS ;RSS ;Aldrete score; Bispectral Index