# Registration date Revision Id
2 2022-03-05, 1400/12/14 219609
1 2020-06-18, 1399/03/29 139516
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  • Protocol summary

    A clinical trial with a control group, with parallel groups, simple-randomly assigned to intervention and control groups, Phase 3, 30 patients
    A clinical trial with a control group, with parallel groups, simple-randomly assigned to intervention and control groups, Phase 3, 38 patients
    کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی شده دارای گروه کنترل، با گروه های موازی ، اختصاص تصادفی ساده به گروههای مداخله و کنترل، فاز 3 ,30 بیمار
    کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی شده دارای گروه کنترل، با گروه های موازی ، اختصاص تصادفی ساده به گروههای مداخله و کنترل، فاز 3 ,38 بیمار
    This study will be performed in Imam Reza Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. 30 patients will be divided into two groups (15 in each group) by simple randomization. Patients in the control group will be prescribed a standard regimen. Patients in the intervention group, in addition to the treatment approved by the Ministry of Health, will receive 30 mg intravenous infusion every 12 hours for 1 day. Lungs' CT scan, hospitalization period, need to intubation, and mortality rate will be assessed.
    This study will be performed in Imam Reza Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. 38 patients will be divided into two groups (15 in each group) by simple randomization. Patients in the control group will be prescribed a standard regimen. Patients in the intervention group, in addition to the treatment approved by the Ministry of Health, will receive 30 mg Edaravone by intravenous infusion for 3 day. Lungs' CT scan, hospitalization period, need to intubation, and mortality rate will be assessed.
    این مطالعه در بیمارستان امام رضا در شهر تبریز، ایران، انجام خواهد شد. 30 بیمار واجد شرایط که با علائم بیماری کووید-19 مراجعه خواهند کرد انتخاب شده و به صورت تصادفی ساده در دو گروه 15 نفری قرار خواهند گرفت. بیماران در گروه کنترل درمان استاندارد را دریافت خواهند کرد. بیماران در گروه مداخله علاوه بر درمان مصوب وزارت بهداشت، داروی اداراوون بصورت انفوزیون وریدی 30 میلی گرم هر دوازده ساعت به مدت 1 روز دریافت خواهند کرد. CT اسکن ریه، طول مدت بستری، نیاز به انتوباسیون و نرخ مرگ و میر بررسی خواهند شد.
    این مطالعه در بیمارستان امام رضا در شهر تبریز، ایران، انجام خواهد شد. 38 بیمار واجد شرایط که با علائم بیماری کووید-19 مراجعه خواهند کرد انتخاب شده و به صورت تصادفی ساده در دو گروه 15 نفری قرار خواهند گرفت. بیماران در گروه کنترل درمان استاندارد را دریافت خواهند کرد. بیماران در گروه مداخله علاوه بر درمان مصوب وزارت بهداشت، 30 میلی گرم داروی اداراوون بصورت انفوزیون وریدی به مدت 3 روز دریافت خواهند کرد. CT اسکن ریه، طول مدت بستری، نیاز به انتوباسیون و نرخ مرگ و میر بررسی خواهند شد.
    Patients with COVID-19 with mild to moderate pneumonia; 18 Years to 80 Years; both genders. Exclusion criteria: Pregnant or lactating women; patients with an active thrombotic event; severe respiratory failure.
    Patients with COVID-19 with mild to moderate pneumonia; 18 years to 80 Years; both genders. Exclusion criteria: Pregnant or lactating women; patients with an active thrombotic event; severe respiratory failure.
  • General information

    Not blinded
    Double blinded
    Health service research
    2020-12-21, 1399/10/01
    2021-08-30, 1400/06/08
    According to the conducted changes during the project, editions were made to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the method of blinding, the number of achieved patients and the drug dose.
    با توجه به تغییرات اجرا شده در طول طرح، اصلاحاتی در معیارهای ورود و خروج، نحوه کورسازی، تعداد بیماران محقق شده و دوز دارویی اعمال گردید.
    Patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia confirmed with Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
    Both genders
    18 to 80 years old
    Patients or authorized family members volunteered to participate in this study and signed informed consent.
    Patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia confirmed with Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
    Patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia confirmed with chest CT scan results
    18 to 80 years old
    Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) according to Berlin ARDS criteria
    بیماران با پنومونی ناشی از کووید-19 تایید شده با واکنش زنجیره ای پلی مرازی (PCR)
    هر دو جنس
    سن 18 تا 80 سال
    بیماران یا اعضا خانواده بیمار که داوطلب شرکت در این مطالعه هستند و فرم رضایتآگاهانه را امضا بکنند.
    بیماران با پنومونی ناشی از کووید-19 تایید شده با واکنش زنجیره ای پلی مرازی (PCR)
    بیماران با پنومونی ناشی از کووید-19 تایید شده با نتایج CT اسکن قفسه سینه
    سن 18تا 80 سال
    بیماران با سندرم زجر حاد تنفسی (ARDS) بر اساس معیارهای Berlin ARDS
    Patients who are participating in other drug clinical trials
    Pregnant or lactating women
    Patient with active thrombotic event
    Patients with severe respiratory failure
    Patients who are participating in other drug clinical trials
    Pregnant or lactating women
    Patient with drug allergy
    Patients on mechanical ventilation
    Patients with expected survival duration< 24 h
    بیمارانی که در سایر آزمایشات بالینی داروها شرکت می کنند
    زنان باردار یا شیرده
    بیمارانی با حوادث ترومبوتیک فعال
    بیماران با نارسایی شدید تنفسی
    بیمارانی که در سایر آزمایشات بالینی داروها شرکت می کنند
    زنان باردار یا شیرده
    بیمارانی با آلرژی دارویی
    بیماران تحت ونتیلاسیون مکانیکی
    بیماران با مدت زمان بقای مورد انتظار کمتر از 24 ساعت
    Simple randomization will be generated with a computer from 1 to 30. The computer will divide the digits between the two groups (edaravone and control). According to the sequences of admission, they will go to the control or the intervention group regarding the computerized random list.
    Simple randomization will be generated with a computer from 1 to 38. The computer will divide the digits between the two groups (edaravone and control). According to the sequences of admission, they will go to the control or the intervention group regarding the computerized random list.
    رندومیزیشن ساده توسط اعداد تصادفی تولید شده توسط کامپیوتر انجام خواهد شد. این لیست از شماره 1 تا 30 به صورت تصادفی بین دو گروه (اداراوون و کنترل) تقسیم میشود.بسته به ترتیب بستری شدن بیماران به آنها به ترتیب عدد 1 تا 30 داده می شود و بسته به لیست ایجاد شده توسط کامپیوتر وارد گروه مداخله یا کنترل خواهند شد.
    رندومیزیشن ساده توسط اعداد تصادفی تولید شده توسط کامپیوتر انجام خواهد شد. این لیست از شماره 1 تا 38 به صورت تصادفی بین دو گروه (اداراوون و کنترل) تقسیم میشود.بسته به ترتیب بستری شدن بیماران به آنها به ترتیب عدد 1 تا 38 داده می شود و بسته به لیست ایجاد شده توسط کامپیوتر وارد گروه مداخله یا کنترل خواهند شد.
    The packaging of the drugs in this study will be similar to the other drugs related to COVID-19 therapy and the researcher will not be aware from the grouping of patients. Therefore, patients and researchers will be blinded.
    بسته بندی داروهای این مطالعه با سایر داروهای مصرفی مرتبط با درمان کووید-19 مشابه خواهد بود و محقق نیز از گروه بندی بیماران مطلع نخواهد بود. بنابراین، بیماران و محقق کورسازی می شوند.
  • Primary outcomes

    Period of mechanical ventilation
    مدت زمان تهویه مکانیکی
    End of hospitalization
    زمان ترخیص
    Documents of hospitalization
    پرونده بستری بیمار
  • Recruitment centers

    Name of recruitment center - English: بیمارستان امام رضا تبریز
    Name of recruitment center - Persian: Immamreza Hospita of Tabriz
    Full name of responsible person - English: Mojtaba Varshochi
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مجتبی ورشوچی
    Street address - English: Imamreza Hospital, Golgasht Street
    Street address - Persian: خیابان گلگشت، بیمارستان امام رضا
    City - English: Tabriz
    City - Persian: تبریز
    Province: East Azarbaijan
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 5166614756
    Phone: +98 41 3334 7054
    Email: imamreza@tbzmed.ac.ir
    Web page address:
    Name of recruitment center - English: Immamreza Hospita of Tabriz
    Name of recruitment center - Persian: بیمارستان امام رضا تبریز
    Full name of responsible person - English: Mojtaba Varshochi
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مجتبی ورشوچی
    Street address - English: Imamreza Hospital, Golgasht Street
    Street address - Persian: خیابان گلگشت، بیمارستان امام رضا
    City - English: Tabriz
    City - Persian: تبریز
    Province: East Azarbaijan
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 5166614756
    Phone: +98 41 3334 7054
    Email: imamreza@tbzmed.ac.ir
    Web page address:

Protocol summary

Study aim
The effect of Edaravone on the course of clinical signs in patients with COVID-19 will be evaluated.
A clinical trial with a control group, with parallel groups, simple-randomly assigned to intervention and control groups, Phase 3, 38 patients
Settings and conduct
This study will be performed in Imam Reza Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. 38 patients will be divided into two groups (15 in each group) by simple randomization. Patients in the control group will be prescribed a standard regimen. Patients in the intervention group, in addition to the treatment approved by the Ministry of Health, will receive 30 mg Edaravone by intravenous infusion for 3 day. Lungs' CT scan, hospitalization period, need to intubation, and mortality rate will be assessed.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Patients with COVID-19 with mild to moderate pneumonia; 18 years to 80 Years; both genders. Exclusion criteria: Pregnant or lactating women; patients with an active thrombotic event; severe respiratory failure.
Intervention groups
will receive a standard regimen for COVID-19 plus Edaravone. Control group: will receive a standard regimen for COVID-19.
Main outcome variables
Symptoms of the disease; mortality rate; hospitalization period

General information

Reason for update
According to the conducted changes during the project, editions were made to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the method of blinding, the number of achieved patients and the drug dose.
IRCT registration information
IRCT registration number: IRCT20200317046797N6
Registration date: 2020-06-18, 1399/03/29
Registration timing: prospective

Last update: 2022-03-09, 1400/12/18
Update count: 1
Registration date
2020-06-18, 1399/03/29
Registrant information
Sepideh Zununi Vahed
Name of organization / entity
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
+98 41 3336 9331
Email address
Recruitment status
Recruitment complete
Funding source
Expected recruitment start date
2020-06-21, 1399/04/01
Expected recruitment end date
2020-07-22, 1399/05/01
Actual recruitment start date
2020-12-21, 1399/10/01
Actual recruitment end date
2021-08-30, 1400/06/08
Trial completion date
Scientific title
Effect of edaravone on clinical improvement and outcome of patients with respiratory distress syndrome caused by COVID-19
Public title
Edaravone in COVID-19
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
Patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia confirmed with Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia confirmed with chest CT scan results 18 to 80 years old Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) according to Berlin ARDS criteria
Exclusion criteria:
Patients who are participating in other drug clinical trials Pregnant or lactating women Patient with drug allergy Patients on mechanical ventilation Patients with expected survival duration< 24 h
From 18 years old to 80 years old
Groups that have been masked
  • Participant
  • Investigator
Sample size
Target sample size: 30
Actual sample size reached: 38
Randomization (investigator's opinion)
Randomization description
Simple randomization will be generated with a computer from 1 to 38. The computer will divide the digits between the two groups (edaravone and control). According to the sequences of admission, they will go to the control or the intervention group regarding the computerized random list.
Blinding (investigator's opinion)
Double blinded
Blinding description
The packaging of the drugs in this study will be similar to the other drugs related to COVID-19 therapy and the researcher will not be aware from the grouping of patients. Therefore, patients and researchers will be blinded.
Not used
Other design features

Secondary Ids


Ethics committees


Ethics committee
Name of ethics committee
Ethics committee of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Street address
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Golgasht Street
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
Approval date
2020-05-18, 1399/02/29
Ethics committee reference number

Health conditions studied


Description of health condition studied
Patients with COVID-2019
ICD-10 code
ICD-10 code description
Coronavirus infection, unspecified

Primary outcomes


Hospitalization days
At baseline and discharge time
Method of measurement
Counting the days


Need for mechanical ventilation
From baseline to discharge time
Method of measurement
Observation and documents


Condition of discharge (death or recovery)
End of hospitalization
Method of measurement
Observation and documents

Secondary outcomes


Intervention groups


Intervention group: 15 patients with COVID-19 in addition to a standard regimen will receive 30 mg intravenous infusion edaravone (C10H10N2O, Zist Daroo Co., Iran) every 12 hours for 1 day from the beginning of hospitalization
Treatment - Drugs


Control group: 15 patients will receive only standard regimen of COVID-2019
Treatment - Drugs

Recruitment centers


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
Immamreza Hospita of Tabriz
Full name of responsible person
Mojtaba Varshochi
Street address
Imamreza Hospital, Golgasht Street
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
+98 41 3334 7054

Sponsors / Funding sources


Name of organization / entity
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Dr Mohammad Samiei
Street address
3th floor of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Central Building, Golgasht Street, Tabriz
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
+98 41 3335 7310
Grant name
Grant code / Reference number
Is the source of funding the same sponsor organization/entity?
Title of funding source
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Proportion provided by this source
Public or private sector
Domestic or foreign origin
Category of foreign source of funding
Country of origin
Type of organization providing the funding

Person responsible for general inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Mojtaba Varshochi
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Infectious diseases
Street address
Daneshgah Street, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
+98 41 3335 2898

Person responsible for scientific inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Mohammadreza Ardalan
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Internal Medicine
Street address
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
+98 41 3336 9331

Person responsible for updating data

Name of organization / entity
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Sepideh Zununi Vahed
Assistant Prof.
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Medical Biotechnology
Street address
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
East Azarbaijan
Postal code
+98 41 3336 9331

Sharing plan

Deidentified Individual Participant Data Set (IPD)
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Study Protocol
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Statistical Analysis Plan
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Informed Consent Form
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Clinical Study Report
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Analytic Code
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Data Dictionary
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available