# Registration date Revision Id
2 2021-05-14, 1400/02/24 183605
1 2021-05-13, 1400/02/23 182459
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  • Protocol summary

    This study is a clinical trial with a randomized, parallel double-blind control group, in which 50 patients with coronavirus will be divided into two groups receiving curcumin-piperine supplement (n = 25) and placebo (n = 25). .
    This study is a clinical trial with a randomized, parallel double-blind control group, in which 50 patients with coronavirus will be divided into two groups receiving curcumin-piperine supplement (n = 30) and placebo (n = 30). .
    این مطالعه به صورت یک کارآزمایی بالینی دارای گروه کنترل و تصادفی شده موازی دو سو کور می باشد، که در آن 50 فرد مبتلا به کرونا ویروس به دو گروه دریافت کننده مکمل کورکومین-پیپرین (25نفر) و دارونما (25 نفر) تقسیم خواهند شد.
    این مطالعه به صورت یک کارآزمایی بالینی دارای گروه کنترل و تصادفی شده موازی دو سو کور می باشد، که در آن 50 فرد مبتلا به کرونا ویروس به دو گروه دریافت کننده مکمل کورکومین-پیپرین (30نفر) و دارونما (30 نفر) تقسیم خواهند شد.
    Entry requirements: Willingness to participate in the study, Age 20-65 years, Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on PCR findings No entry conditions: Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper Patients with a history of underlying disease Taking anticoagulants, People who are in severe stages of pregnancy and lactation, septic shock or sepsis.
    Entry requirements: Willingness to participate in the study, Age 20-80 years, Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on PCR findings No entry conditions: Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper Patients with a history of underlying disease Taking anticoagulants, People who are in severe stages of pregnancy and lactation, septic shock or sepsis.
    شرایط ورود: تمایل به شرکت در مطالعه، سن 20-65 سال، تشخیص ابتلا به Covid-19 براساس یافته های حاصل از PCR شرایط عدم ورود: حساسیت به فرآورده های گیاهی مانند زردچوبه و فلفل بیمارانی که سابقه بیماری زمینه ای دارند مصرف داروهای ضد انعقاد خون، افرادی که در فاز های بارداری و شیردهی، شوک سپتیک یا سپسیس شدید هستند.
    شرایط ورود: تمایل به شرکت در مطالعه، سن 20-80 سال، تشخیص ابتلا به Covid-19 براساس یافته های حاصل از PCR شرایط عدم ورود: حساسیت به فرآورده های گیاهی مانند زردچوبه و فلفل بیمارانی که سابقه بیماری زمینه ای دارند مصرف داروهای ضد انعقاد خون، افرادی که در فاز های بارداری و شیردهی، شوک سپتیک یا سپسیس شدید هستند.
    1) Patients who receive 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine for 14 days (25 people) (intervention) Group 2) Patients receiving 3 placebo capsules for 14 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (control) (25 patients)
    1) Patients who receive 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine for 7 days (30 people) (intervention) Group 2) Patients receiving 3 placebo capsules for 14 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (control) (30 patients)
    1)بیمارانی که به مدت 14 روز 3 کپسول 500 میلی گرمی در روز کورکومین-پیپرین دریافت می کنند (25 نفر)(مداخله) گروه 2) بیمارانی که به مدت 14 روز 3 کپسول دارونما هر کپسول حاوی 500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین در روز دریافت می کنند (کنترل)(25 نفر)
    1)بیمارانی که به مدت 7 روز 3 کپسول 500 میلی گرمی در روز کورکومین-پیپرین دریافت می کنند (30 نفر)(مداخله) گروه 2) بیمارانی که به مدت 7 روز 3 کپسول دارونما هر کپسول حاوی 500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین در روز دریافت می کنند (کنترل)(30 نفر)
  • General information

    2021-05-29, 1400/03/08
    2021-05-22, 1400/03/01
    Due to the changes made, the need to make corrections was as follows: 1. The age of the participants is from 20 to 80 years 2. The number of samples reached 60 people 3. The intervention period was reduced to 7 days.
    با توجه به تغییرات انجام شده نیاز به ایجاد اصلاحات به شرح زیر بود: 1. سن افراد شرکت کننده از 20تا 80 سال می باشد 2. تعداد نمونه به60 نفر رسید 3.مدت مداخله به 7 روز کاهش یافت.
    Willingness to participate in the study
    Age 20-65 years
    Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on clinical findings and PCR findings
    Gastrointestinal tract with normal function and intestinal nutrition criteria
    Willingness to participate in the study
    Age 20-80years
    Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on clinical findings and PCR findings
    Gastrointestinal tract with normal function and intestinal nutrition criteria
    تمایل به شرکت در مطالعه
    سن 20-65 سال
    تشخیص ابتلا به Covid-19 براساس یافته های بالینی و یافته های حاصل از PCR
    دستگاه گوارش با عملکرد نرمال و دارای معیارهای تغذیه روده ای
    تمایل به شرکت در مطالعه
    سن 20-80 سال
    تشخیص ابتلا به Covid-19 براساس یافته های بالینی و یافته های حاصل از PCR
    دستگاه گوارش با عملکرد نرمال و دارای معیارهای تغذیه روده ای
    Age less than 20 and more than 65 years
    Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper
    Impossibility of intestinal feeding in the first 48 hours of admission
    Patients who are hospitalized in the intensive care unit for less than 48 hours.
    Patients who are expected to die within 12 hours of admission to the intensive care unit.
    Patients who do not have an indication for intestinal nutrition on the first day and are confirmed and predicted based on the diagnosis of the intensive care unit that they will not be able to receive intestinal nutrition in the future. (Nausea, persistent vomiting, ileus, intestinal obstruction, uncontrolled diarrhea (> 500 ml per day), high-output fistula (> 500 ml per day), intestinal inaccessibility, incomplete resuscitation and hemodynamic instability
    Patients with BMI <18.5kg / m2 admitted to the intensive care unit.
    Patients who receive nutritional support through complete intravenous feeding
    Patients with a history of underlying disease such as congenital and immune disorders, renal and hepatic insufficiency and pancreatitis.Community Verified icon
    Taking anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, etc.
    Pregnancy and lactation
    Severe septic shock or sepsis
    Dissatisfaction of the patient or her legal guardian
    Age less than 20 and more than 80 years
    Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper
    Impossibility of intestinal feeding in the first 48 hours of admission
    Patients who are hospitalized in the intensive care unit for less than 48 hours.
    Patients who are expected to die within 12 hours of admission to the intensive care unit.
    Patients who do not have an indication for intestinal nutrition on the first day and are confirmed and predicted based on the diagnosis of the intensive care unit that they will not be able to receive intestinal nutrition in the future. (Nausea, persistent vomiting, ileus, intestinal obstruction, uncontrolled diarrhea (> 500 ml per day), high-output fistula (> 500 ml per day), intestinal inaccessibility, incomplete resuscitation and hemodynamic instability
    Patients with BMI <18.5kg / m2 admitted to the intensive care unit.
    Patients who receive nutritional support through complete intravenous feeding
    Patients with a history of underlying disease such as congenital and immune disorders, renal and hepatic insufficiency and pancreatitis.Community Verified icon
    Taking anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, etc.
    Pregnancy and lactation
    Severe septic shock or sepsis
    Dissatisfaction of the patient or her legal guardian
    سن کمتر از 20 و بیشتر از 65 سال
    حساسیت به فرآورده های گیاهی مانند زردچوبه و فلفل
    عدم امکان تغذیه روده ای در 48 ساعت اول پذیرش
    بیمارانی که کمتر از 48 ساعت در بخش مراقبت های ویژه بستری باشند.
    بیمارانی که پیش بینی می شود ظرف 12 ساعت از پذیرش در بخش مراقبت های ویژه فوت کنند.
    بیمارانی که در روز اول اندیکاسیون تغذیه روده ای را ندارند و براساس تشخیص بخش مراقبت های ویژه تایید و پیش بینی می شود که در آینده نیز قادر به دریافت تغذیه روده ای نمی باشند. (تهوع، استفراغ مقاوم، ایلئوس، انسداد روده، اسهال کنترل نشده (> 500 میلی لیتر در روز)، فیستول با خروجی بالا (> 500 میلی لیتر در روز)، عدم دسترسی به روده، احیاء ناقص و بی ثباتی همودینامیک
    بیمارانی با نمایه توده بدنی BMI<18.5kg/m2 که در بخش مراقبت های ویژه پذیرش می شوند.
    بیمارانی که تحت حمایت تغذیه ای به روش تغذیه وریدی کامل قرار می گیرند.
    بیمارانی که سابقه بیماری زمینه ای از قبیل اختلالات مادرزادی و ایمنی، نارسایی کلیوی و کبدی و پانکراتیت دارند.
    مصرف داروهای ضد انعقاد خون مانند هپارین، وارفارین، آسپیرین و غیره
    بارداری و شیردهی
    شوک سپتیک یا سپسیس شدید
    عدم رضایت بیمار یا ولی قانونی وی
    سن کمتر از 20 و بیشتر از 80 سال
    حساسیت به فرآورده های گیاهی مانند زردچوبه و فلفل
    عدم امکان تغذیه روده ای در 48 ساعت اول پذیرش
    بیمارانی که کمتر از 48 ساعت در بخش مراقبت های ویژه بستری باشند.
    بیمارانی که پیش بینی می شود ظرف 12 ساعت از پذیرش در بخش مراقبت های ویژه فوت کنند.
    بیمارانی که در روز اول اندیکاسیون تغذیه روده ای را ندارند و براساس تشخیص بخش مراقبت های ویژه تایید و پیش بینی می شود که در آینده نیز قادر به دریافت تغذیه روده ای نمی باشند. (تهوع، استفراغ مقاوم، ایلئوس، انسداد روده، اسهال کنترل نشده (> 500 میلی لیتر در روز)، فیستول با خروجی بالا (> 500 میلی لیتر در روز)، عدم دسترسی به روده، احیاء ناقص و بی ثباتی همودینامیک
    بیمارانی با نمایه توده بدنی BMI<18.5kg/m2 که در بخش مراقبت های ویژه پذیرش می شوند.
    بیمارانی که تحت حمایت تغذیه ای به روش تغذیه وریدی کامل قرار می گیرند.
    بیمارانی که سابقه بیماری زمینه ای از قبیل اختلالات مادرزادی و ایمنی، نارسایی کلیوی و کبدی و پانکراتیت دارند.
    مصرف داروهای ضد انعقاد خون مانند هپارین، وارفارین، آسپیرین و غیره
    بارداری و شیردهی
    شوک سپتیک یا سپسیس شدید
    عدم رضایت بیمار یا ولی قانونی وی
    After selecting the participants based on the inclusion criteria and obtaining the consent of the patients or their companions, the participants will be randomly divided into two groups, intervention and placebo and will be studied for 2 weeks (14 days). For this purpose, 50 patients admitted to the ICU who have already been diagnosed with COVID19 by PCR will be randomly divided into two groups (25 in the intervention group and 25 in the control group) using a random number table.
    After selecting the participants based on the inclusion criteria and obtaining the consent of the patients or their companions, the participants will be randomly divided into two groups, intervention and placebo and will be studied for 1 weeks (7 days). For this purpose, 60 patients admitted to the ICU who have already been diagnosed with COVID19 by PCR will be randomly divided into two groups (30 in the intervention group and 30 in the control group) using a random number table.
    پس از انتخاب شرکت کنندگان بر اساس معیارهای ورود و کسب رضایت نامه از بیماران یا همراه آن ها، شرکت کنندگان به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه، مداخله و دارونما تقسیم و به مدت 2 هفته (14 روز) مورد مطالعه قرار خواهند گرفت. برای این منظور 50 بیمار بستری در بخش ICU که از قبل ابتلای آنها به COVID19 توسط PCR تشخیص داده شده است با استفاده از جدول اعداد تصادفی به طور تصادفی به دو گروه تقسیم خواهند شد (25 نفر گروه مداخله و 25 نفر گروه کنترل).
    پس از انتخاب شرکت کنندگان بر اساس معیارهای ورود و کسب رضایت نامه از بیماران یا همراه آن ها، شرکت کنندگان به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه، مداخله و دارونما تقسیم و به مدت 1 هفته (7 روز) مورد مطالعه قرار خواهند گرفت. برای این منظور 60 بیمار بستری در بخش ICU که از قبل ابتلای آنها به COVID19 توسط PCR تشخیص داده شده است با استفاده از جدول اعداد تصادفی به طور تصادفی به دو گروه تقسیم خواهند شد (30 نفر گروه مداخله و 30 نفر گروه کنترل).
    In order to carry out this research in a double-blind manner, before starting the study, the total of the relevant capsules Both intervention and control groups, which are similar in shape, color, and appearance, are coded A and B by someone other than the researcher to ensure that the researcher does not know the type of capsules received by both groups. Participants who were randomly divided into groups A and B received the pills for two weeks without knowing that they were in the supplement or placebo group.
    In order to carry out this research in a double-blind manner, before starting the study, the total of the relevant capsules Both intervention and control groups, which are similar in shape, color, and appearance, are coded A and B by someone other than the researcher to ensure that the researcher does not know the type of capsules received by both groups. Participants who were randomly divided into groups A and B received the pills for a week without knowing that they were in the supplement or placebo group.
    جهت دوسوکور اجرا کردن این تحقیق، قبل از شروع مطالعه مجموع کپسول های مربوطه به هر دو گروه مداخله و کنترل که از نظر شکل و رنگ و ظاهر مثل هم هستند توسط فردی غیر از پژوهشگر به صورت A و B کدگذاری می شوند تا عدم اطلاع محقق از نوع کپسول های دریافتی توسط هر دو گروه رعایت شود. همچنین افراد شرکت کننده نیز که به طور تصادفی به دو گروهAو B تقسیم شدند بدون آگاهی از این که در گروه مکمل یا پلاسبو قرار دارند، قرص ها را به مدت دو هفته دریافت می کنند.
    جهت دوسوکور اجرا کردن این تحقیق، قبل از شروع مطالعه مجموع کپسول های مربوطه به هر دو گروه مداخله و کنترل که از نظر شکل و رنگ و ظاهر مثل هم هستند توسط فردی غیر از پژوهشگر به صورت A و B کدگذاری می شوند تا عدم اطلاع محقق از نوع کپسول های دریافتی توسط هر دو گروه رعایت شود. همچنین افراد شرکت کننده نیز که به طور تصادفی به دو گروهAو B تقسیم شدند بدون آگاهی از این که در گروه مکمل یا پلاسبو قرار دارند، قرص ها را به مدت 1هفته دریافت می کنند.
  • Intervention groups

    Intervention group: Patients receiving 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine (manufactured by Sami Lab India) for 14 days (a total of 1500 mg of curcumin per day and 15 mg of piperine per day) (25 N). These supplements are given to patients at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart.
    Intervention group: Patients receiving 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine (manufactured by Sami Lab India) for 7 days (a total of 1500 mg of curcumin per day and 15 mg of piperine per day) (30 N). These supplements are given to patients at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart.
    گروه مداخله: بیمارانی که به مدت 14 روز، روزانه 3 کپسول 500 میلی گرمی در روز کورکومین-پیپرین(تولید کارخانه sami lab هند) دریافت می کنند (در مجموع روزی 1500 میلی گرم کورکومین و روزی 15 میلی گرم پیپرین در روز) (25 نفر). این مکمل ها در ساعت9 صبح، 3عصر و 9 شب به فاصله 6ساعت به بیماران داده می شود.
    گروه مداخله: بیمارانی که به مدت 7 روز، روزانه 3 کپسول 500 میلی گرمی در روز کورکومین-پیپرین(تولید کارخانه sami lab هند) دریافت می کنند (در مجموع روزی 1500 میلی گرم کورکومین و روزی 15 میلی گرم پیپرین در روز) (30نفر). این مکمل ها در ساعت9 صبح، 3عصر و 9 شب به فاصله 6ساعت به بیماران داده می شود.
    Control group: Patients who receive 3 placebo capsules for 14 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (total 1500 mg of maltodextrin) (25 people) These supplements at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart It is given to patients.
    Control group: Patients who receive 3 placebo capsules for 7 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (total 1500 mg of maltodextrin) (30 people) These supplements at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart It is given to patients.
    گروه کنترل: بیمارانی که به مدت 14 روز 3 کپسول دارونما هر کپسول حاوی 500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین در روز دریافت می کنند (در مجموع 1500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین) (25 نفر)این مکمل ها در ساعت9 صبح، 3عصر و 9 شب به فاصله 6ساعت به بیماران داده می شود.
    گروه کنترل: بیمارانی که به مدت 7 روز 3 کپسول دارونما هر کپسول حاوی 500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین در روز دریافت می کنند (در مجموع 1500 میلی گرم مالتودکسترین) (30نفر)این مکمل ها در ساعت9 صبح، 3عصر و 9 شب به فاصله 6ساعت به بیماران داده می شود.

Protocol summary

Study aim
Evaluation of the effect of curcumin-piperine supplementation in patients with coronavirus admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)
This study is a clinical trial with a randomized, parallel double-blind control group, in which 50 patients with coronavirus will be divided into two groups receiving curcumin-piperine supplement (n = 30) and placebo (n = 30). .
Settings and conduct
In this study, people with coronavirus in Al-Zahra Hospital will be included in the study. Random allocation will be done using a random number table. Entry of individuals and assignment of each person to one of the two groups will be done by the relevant specialist. Curcumin-piperine supplement and placebo will be packaged in similar boxes and the researcher and patients will not be informed of the contents of the packages until the end of the study.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Entry requirements: Willingness to participate in the study, Age 20-80 years, Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on PCR findings No entry conditions: Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper Patients with a history of underlying disease Taking anticoagulants, People who are in severe stages of pregnancy and lactation, septic shock or sepsis.
Intervention groups
1) Patients who receive 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine for 7 days (30 people) (intervention) Group 2) Patients receiving 3 placebo capsules for 14 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (control) (30 patients)
Main outcome variables
Body temperature, ESR and CRP, length of hospital stay, extent and severity of patients' cough, (ALT, AST, LDH), (BUN, Creatinine), (CBC), NUTRIC score, APACHE II and SOFA score, mean blood sugar, ALBUMIN

General information

Reason for update
Due to the changes made, the need to make corrections was as follows: 1. The age of the participants is from 20 to 80 years 2. The number of samples reached 60 people 3. The intervention period was reduced to 7 days.
IRCT registration information
IRCT registration number: IRCT20121216011763N52
Registration date: 2021-05-13, 1400/02/23
Registration timing: prospective

Last update: 2021-05-23, 1400/03/02
Update count: 1
Registration date
2021-05-13, 1400/02/23
Registrant information
Gholamreza Askari
Name of organization / entity
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
+98 31 1792 2110
Email address
Recruitment status
Recruitment complete
Funding source
Expected recruitment start date
2021-05-15, 1400/02/25
Expected recruitment end date
2021-05-22, 1400/03/01
Actual recruitment start date
Actual recruitment end date
Trial completion date
Scientific title
Evaluation of the effect of curcumin-piperine supplementation in patients with coronavirus admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU): a double-blind clinical trial studyCommunity Verified icon
Public title
Evaluation of the effect of curcumin in coronary hospitalized patients
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
Willingness to participate in the study Age 20-80years Diagnosis of Covid-19 based on clinical findings and PCR findings Gastrointestinal tract with normal function and intestinal nutrition criteria
Exclusion criteria:
Age less than 20 and more than 80 years Sensitivity to plant products such as turmeric and pepper Impossibility of intestinal feeding in the first 48 hours of admission Patients who are hospitalized in the intensive care unit for less than 48 hours. Patients who are expected to die within 12 hours of admission to the intensive care unit. Patients who do not have an indication for intestinal nutrition on the first day and are confirmed and predicted based on the diagnosis of the intensive care unit that they will not be able to receive intestinal nutrition in the future. (Nausea, persistent vomiting, ileus, intestinal obstruction, uncontrolled diarrhea (> 500 ml per day), high-output fistula (> 500 ml per day), intestinal inaccessibility, incomplete resuscitation and hemodynamic instability Patients with BMI <18.5kg / m2 admitted to the intensive care unit. Patients who receive nutritional support through complete intravenous feeding Patients with a history of underlying disease such as congenital and immune disorders, renal and hepatic insufficiency and pancreatitis.Community Verified icon Taking anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, aspirin, etc. Pregnancy and lactation Severe septic shock or sepsis Dissatisfaction of the patient or her legal guardian
From 20 years old to 80 years old
Groups that have been masked
  • Participant
  • Investigator
Sample size
Target sample size: 50
Randomization (investigator's opinion)
Randomization description
After selecting the participants based on the inclusion criteria and obtaining the consent of the patients or their companions, the participants will be randomly divided into two groups, intervention and placebo and will be studied for 1 weeks (7 days). For this purpose, 60 patients admitted to the ICU who have already been diagnosed with COVID19 by PCR will be randomly divided into two groups (30 in the intervention group and 30 in the control group) using a random number table.
Blinding (investigator's opinion)
Double blinded
Blinding description
In order to carry out this research in a double-blind manner, before starting the study, the total of the relevant capsules Both intervention and control groups, which are similar in shape, color, and appearance, are coded A and B by someone other than the researcher to ensure that the researcher does not know the type of capsules received by both groups. Participants who were randomly divided into groups A and B received the pills for a week without knowing that they were in the supplement or placebo group.
Other design features

Secondary Ids


Ethics committees


Ethics committee
Name of ethics committee
Ethics committe of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Street address
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Hezar Jerib Avenue
Postal code
Approval date
2021-05-08, 1400/02/18
Ethics committee reference number

Health conditions studied


Description of health condition studied
coronavirus (covid-19) disease
ICD-10 code
ICD-10 code description
COVID-19 Disease

Primary outcomes


Body temperature
Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
By using clinical thermometer


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
En Enzymatic method


Duration of hospitalization
At the time of discharge from the hospital
Method of measurement
By Using the patient's medical record


severity and number of coughs
Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Visual analogue scales (VAS) for cough


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Enzymatic photometric method


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Enzymatic photometric method


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Enzymatic photometric method


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Biochemical test by enzymatic method by Hitachi 902 device


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Biochemical test by enzymatic method by Hitachi 902 device


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Device analysis using cell counter device (hematology analyzer)


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Biochemical test by enzymatic method by Hitachi 902 device


Blood sugar
Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Biochemical test by enzymatic method by Hitachi 902 device


Before intervention and 2 weeks after intervention
Method of measurement
Enzymatic method


NUTRIC score
Before and after the intervention
Method of measurement
By scoring a questionnaire including APACHE II and SOFA

Secondary outcomes


Intervention groups


Intervention group: Patients receiving 3 capsules of 500 mg per day of curcumin-piperine (manufactured by Sami Lab India) for 7 days (a total of 1500 mg of curcumin per day and 15 mg of piperine per day) (30 N). These supplements are given to patients at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart.
Treatment - Drugs


Control group: Patients who receive 3 placebo capsules for 7 days, each capsule containing 500 mg of maltodextrin per day (total 1500 mg of maltodextrin) (30 people) These supplements at 9 am, 3 pm and 9 pm, 6 hours apart It is given to patients.

Recruitment centers


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
Al-Zahra hospital
Full name of responsible person
Ghulam Reza Askari
Street address
Sofe Boulevard
Postal code
+98 31 3668 0042

Sponsors / Funding sources


Name of organization / entity
Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Shaghayegh Haghjou
Street address
Hezar Jarib
Postal code
+98 31 3668 8138
Grant name
Grant code / Reference number
Is the source of funding the same sponsor organization/entity?
Title of funding source
Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
Proportion provided by this source
Public or private sector
Domestic or foreign origin
Category of foreign source of funding
Country of origin
Type of organization providing the funding

Person responsible for general inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Gholamreza Askari
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Hezarjarib Ave
Postal code
+98 31 3668 1378

Person responsible for scientific inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Gholamreza Askari
Associate professor
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Hezarjarib Ave
Postal code
+98 31 1792 2110

Person responsible for updating data

Name of organization / entity
Esfahan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Gholamreza Askari
Associate professor
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Hezarjarib Ave
Postal code
+98 31 1792 2110

Sharing plan

Deidentified Individual Participant Data Set (IPD)
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Study Protocol
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Statistical Analysis Plan
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Informed Consent Form
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Clinical Study Report
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Analytic Code
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Data Dictionary
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Title and more details about the data/document
The collected deidentified for the primary outcome measure only will be shared.
When the data will become available and for how long
12 months after publication
To whom data/document is available
Available for people working in academic institutions
Under which criteria data/document could be used
To conduct similar studies
From where data/document is obtainable
What processes are involved for a request to access data/document
The data will send as soon as possible, after receiving the request.