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3 2022-10-20, 1401/07/28 243376
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1 2022-04-12, 1401/01/23 222459
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  • Protocol summary

    The effect of topical cream containing Chelidonium majus and and Hyoscyamus niger with propolis on healing cutaneous Leishmaniasis
    The effect of topical cream containing Chelidonium majus and Hyoscyamus niger with propolis on the improvement of Cutaneous leishmaniasis
    اثر کرم موضعی حاوی گیاه مامیران و بذرالبنج به همراه بره موم بر بهبود سالک
    اثر کرم موضعی حاوی گیاه مامیران (Chelidonium majus) و بذرالبنج (Hyoscyamus niger) به همراه بره موم بر بهبود سالَک یا لیشمانیوز (Cutaneous leishmaniasis)
    The clinical trial is designed as an intervention with a control group, double-blind, randomized, in phase 3 on 300 patients.
    The randomized clinical trial that in the first phase, it will be interventional and have a control group, and it will be double-blind. In phase 2, blinding is not done and the drug is given to the patient as the main drug.
    کارآزمایی بالینی به صورت مداخله ای و دارای گروه کنترل، دو سویه کور، تصادفی شده، در فاز 3 بر روی 300 بیمار طراحی می شود.
    کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی که در فاز اول به صورت مداخله ای و دارای گروه کنترل، دو سویه کور خواهد بود. در فاز 2 کور سازی انجام نشده است و دارو بعنوان داروی اصلی در اختیار بیمار قرار می گیرد.
    A double-blind study is performed on 300 patients with diabetic ulcers in Shahid Beheshti of Kashan and Al Zahra of Isfahan hospitals. The doctor and the patient do not know the type of treatment. The patients receive topical cream containing Chelidonium majus and Hyoscyamus niger with Propolis during three weeks. The duration of each cream will be 7days and the treatment will be done once a day.
    A double-blind study on 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis is carried out in several centers under the 3rd group of Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan Medical Sciences and the Health Vice-Chancellor of Esfrain Medical School in North Khorasan.
    مطالعه دو سویه کور بر روی 300 بیمار دارای زخم دیابتی در بیمارستان شهید بهشتی کاشان و الزهرا اصفهان انجام می گیرد. پزشک و بیمار از نوع درمان اطلاعی ندارند. بیماران کرم موضعی حاوی گیاه مامیران و بذرالبنج به همراه بره موم طی سه هفته دریافت می نمایند. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام خواهد گرفت.
    مطالعه دو سویه کور بر روی 150بیمار دارای لیشمانیوز پوستی در چند مرکز زیر مجموعه 3 دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان و علوم پزشکی اصفهان و معاونت بهداشتی دانشکده پزشکی اسفراین از خراسان شمالی انجام می گیرد.
    Inclusion criteria: Entry requirements include men and women at least 12 years of age Positive leishmania smear Exclusion criteria: Pregnancy, breast feeding, Number of lesion over ten
    Inclusion criteria: 1- Patients aged at least 12 years of both sexes 2- Positive leishmania smear Exclusion criteria: 1- Pregnancy and breast feeding 2- Number of lesions over ten
    شرایط ورود : بیماران با سن حداقل 12 سال از هر دو جنس اسمیر مثبت لیشمانیا شرایط عدم ورود : حاملگی و شیر دهی تعداد ضایعات بیشتر از 10 عدد
    شرایط ورود: 1- بیماران با سن حداقل 12 سال از هر دو جنس 2- اسمیر مثبت لیشمانیا شرایط عدم ورود: 1- حاملگی و شیر دهی 2- تعداد ضایعات بیشتر از 10 عدد
    Intervention group: The intervention group is included 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. During three weeks, topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 grams of Hyoscyamus niger with 2 grams of Propolis is used. The duration of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Control group: Intervention group: The intervention group is included 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis . Topical Amphotericin B used .he duration of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Amphotericin B is prepared in a tube identical to the intervention group , Delivered to patients .
    Intervention group: The intervention group includes 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 grams of Hyoscyamus niger along with 2 grams of propolis is used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Control group: The control group includes 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical treatment with amphotericin b used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. amphotericin b is prepared and provided to the patients in the same tube as the intervention group.
    گروه مداخله: گروه مداخله شامل 150بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. کرم موضعی حاوی 0.5 گرم گیاه مامیران و 0.5 گرم بذرالبنج به همراه 2 گرم بره موم طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. گروه کنترل: گروه مداخله شامل 150بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. درمان موضعی با آمفوتیسین بی استفاده میشود . که طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. آمفوتریپسین بی در تیوب همسان با گروه مداخله تهیه و در اختیار بیماران قرار میگیرد
    گروه مداخله: گروه مداخله شامل 150بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. کرم موضعی حاوی 0.5 گرم گیاه مامیران و 0.5 گرم بذرالبنج به همراه 2 گرم بره موم طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. گروه کنترل: گروه کنترل شامل 150بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. درمان موضعی با آمفوتیسین b که طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. آمفوتریپسین ‌b در تیوب همسان با گروه مداخله تهیه و در اختیار بیماران قرار می گیرد.
    Measuring the size of lesion induration diameter with caliper
    Measuring the diameter of lesion induration using a caliper
    بر اساس اندازه گیری قطر اندوراسیون ضایعه با استفاده از کولیس
    اندازه گیری قطر اندوراسیون ضایعه با استفاده از کولیس
  • General information

    More patients enter to the study
    Completion of the first phase and the second phase of the study
    افزایش تعداد بیمار جهت ورود به مطالعه
    تکمیل فاز اول و فاز دوم مطالعه
    Entry requirements include men and women at least 12 years of age
    Positive leishmania smear
    Patients aged at least 12 years of both sexes
    Positive leishmania smear
    Real time PCR
    بیماران با سن حداقل 12 سال از هر دو جنس
    اسمیر مثبت لیشمانیا
    بیماران با سن حداقل 12 سال از هر دو جنس
    اسمیر مثبت لیشمانیا
    ریل تایم پی سی آر
    Pregnancy, breast feeding,
    Number of lesion over ten
    Pregnancy and breastfeeding
    The number of lesions more than 10
    حاملگی و شیر دهی
    تعداد ضایعات بیشتر از 10 عدد
    حاملگی و شیردهی
    تعداد ضایعات بیشتر از 10 عدد
    Samples are divided into two groups by terminated block randomization method with blocks of 4 and 6, prescription drugs (intervention and placebo) are determined based on this method and a special number is assigned to them Physician and patient are unaware of drug or placebo receiving and there are codes that were registered on cream and only the epidemiologist informs as a plan executor.
    The sample is divided into two groups using the Terminated Block Randomization method with blocks of 4 and 6. Prescription drugs (intervention and control) are determined based on this method and a special number is assigned to them. The doctor and the patient do not know about receiving the drug or placebo. Codes have been recorded on the worm and only the epidemiologist as one of the plan's executors knows about it. In the second phase of the study, the doctor knows the type of prescription and the patients are randomly entered into the study, and the topical cream as the main drug will be compared with routine drugs. The first phase of the study is double blind and the second phase of the study is unblinded.
    نمونه با روش terminated block randomization با بلوک 4 و 6تایی به دو گروه تقسیم میگردند ، داروها ی تجویزی ( مداخله و پلاسبو ) بر اساس این روش تعیین شده و شماره ویژه به آنها اختصاص می یابد پزشک و بیمار و از دریافت دارو یا دارونما اطلاعی ندارند و بر روی کرم کد هایی ثبت گردیده و فقط اپیدمیولوژیست بعنوان یکی از مجریان طرح اطلاع دارد
    نمونه با روش Terminated Block Randomization با بلوک 4 و 6 تایی به دو گروه تقسیم می گردند. داروهای تجویزی (مداخله و کنترل) بر اساس این روش تعیین شده و شماره ی ویژه به آن ها اختصاص می یابد. پزشک و بیمار از دریافت دارو یا دارونما اطلاعی ندارند. بر روی کرم کدهایی ثبت گردیده و فقط اپیدمیولوژیست بعنوان یکی از مجریان طرح اطلاع دارد. در فاز دوم مطالعه، پزشک از نوع تجویز اطلاع داشته و بیماران بصورت تصادفی وارد مطالعه می گردند و کرم موضعی بعنوان داروی اصلی در قیاس با داروهای روتین مقایسه خواهد شد. فاز اول مطالعه دو سو کور و فاز دوم مطالعه کور نشده است.
    Intervention and placebo cream is completely identical in terms of the shape and size of the container, and the cream themselves do not differ in terms of color, and are completely indistinguishable. The important point is that the patient is told that the topical cream used for the patient may be medication or controlled drug . Clinicians and patients will be blinded
    Intervention and control creams (Amphotericin B cream) are completely the same in terms of shape and container size. These creams also have no differences in terms of color and are completely unrecognizable. The important point is that the patient is told, which this topical cream used for patient may be a medicine or a control medicine. In blinding, both the doctor and the patient will be blinded.
    کرم های مداخله و پلاسبو کاملا از لحاظ شکل و اندازه ظرف یکی بوده و خود کرم ها نیز از لحاظ رنگ هیچ اختلافی با هم ندارند و کاملا غیر قابل تشخیص میباشد . نکته مهم این بوده که به بیمار گفته میشود که این کرم موضعی که برای آن بیمار استعمال میگردد ممکن است دارو باشد و یا داروی کنترل . در کور سازی صورت گرفته هم پزشک معالج و هم بیمار کور خواهند شد
    کرم های مداخله و کنترل (کرم Amphotericin B) کاملاً از لحاظ شکل و اندازه ظرف یکی هستند. این کرم ها نیز از لحاظ رنگ هیچ اختلافی با هم ندارند و کاملا غیر قابل تشخیص می باشند. نکته مهم این بوده که به بیمار گفته می شود که این کرم موضعی که برای آن بیمار استعمال می گردد، ممکن است دارو و یا داروی کنترل باشد. در کور سازی صورت گرفته، هم پزشک معالج و هم بیمار کور خواهند شد.
  • Primary outcomes

    Complete healing
    Complete healing of the lesion
    At the beginning of the study, 2 and 4 days after treatment and 7 days after treatment, 14 days after treatment, 21 days after treatment
    On arrival or day zero, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment
    در بدو ورود، 2, 4 روز پس از تیمار و 7 روز پس از تیمار، 14 روز پس از تیمار، 21 روز پس از تیمار
    در بدو ورود یا روز صفر، 2, 4، 7، 14 و 21 روز پس از تیمار
    measuring the size of lesion induration diameter with caliper
    Based on measuring the diameter of the induration of the lesion using a caliper
  • Intervention groups

    Intervention group: The intervention group is included 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. During three weeks, topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 grams of Hyoscyamus niger with 2 grams of Propolis is used. The duration of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period.
    Intervention group: The intervention group includes 75 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 gr of Hyoscyamus niger along with 2 gr of propolis is used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period.
    گروه مداخله: گروه مداخله شامل 150بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. کرم موضعی حاوی 0.5 گرم گیاه مامیران و 0.5 گرم بذرالبنج به همراه 2 گرم بره موم طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند.
    گروه مداخله: گروه مداخله شامل 75 بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. کرم موضعی حاوی 0.5 گرم گیاه مامیران و 0.5 گرم بذرالبنج به همراه 2 گرم بره موم طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند.
    Treatment - Drugs
    Control group: Intervention group: The intervention group is included 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis . Topical Amphotericin B used .he duration of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Amphotericin B is prepared in a tube identical to the intervention group , Delivered to patients .
    Control group: The control group includes 75 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical treatment with amphotericin b used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Amphotrypsin b is prepared and provided to the patients in the same tube as the intervention group.
    گروه کنترل: گروه مداخله شامل 150 بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. درمان موضعی با آمفوتیسین بی استفاده میشود . که طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. آمفوتریپسین بی در تیوب همسان با گروه مداخله تهیه و در اختیار بیماران قرار میگیرد
    گروه کنترل: گروه کنترل شامل 75 بیمار مبتلا با لیشمانیوز جلدی است. درمان موضعی با آمفوتیسین b که طی سه هفته استفاده می شود. طول دوره استفاده از هر کرم 7 روزه خواهد بود و هر روز، یکبار درمان انجام می گیرد. بیمار حداکثر 3 کرم طی دوره درمان دریافت می کند. آمفوتریپسین b در تیوب همسان با گروه مداخله تهیه و در اختیار بیماران قرار می گیرد.
  • Person responsible for general inquiries

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: PhD student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Kashan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 31 5554 2999
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: Ph.D. Student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Kashan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 31 5554 2999
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:
  • Person responsible for scientific inquiries

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: PhD student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd.
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی ، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Kashan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 31 5554 2999
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimortza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: Ph.D. Student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd.
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Kashan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 31 5554 2999
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimortza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:
  • Person responsible for updating data

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: PhD student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Kashan
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی ، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Isfehan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 87 1598 8141
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:

    Name of organization / entity - English:
    Name of organization / entity - Persian:
    Full name of responsible person - English: Morteza Kosari
    Full name of responsible person - Persian: مرتضی کوثری
    Position - English: Ph.D. Student
    Position - Persian: دانشجوی دکتری
    Latest degree: master
    Area of specialty/work: 69
    Area of specialty/work title - English:
    Area of specialty/work title - Persian:
    Street address - English: Qotb Ravandi Boulevard, Kashan University of Medical Sciences
    Street address - Persian: بلوار قطب راوندی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان
    City - English: Isfehan
    City - Persian: کاشان
    Province: Isfehan
    Province - English:
    Province - Persian:
    contact.provinces_available: 1
    Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Postal code: 8715988141
    Phone: +98 87 1598 8141
    Mobile: +98 919 683 1941
    Email: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    Web page address:
  • Sharing plan

    Moderator: Morteza Kosari , Email address: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    Moderator: Morteza Kosari Email address: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    مجری طرح: مرتضی کوثری آدرس ایمیل: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
    مجری طرح: مرتضی کوثری آدرس ایمیل: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com

Protocol summary

Study aim
The effect of topical cream containing Chelidonium majus and Hyoscyamus niger with propolis on the improvement of Cutaneous leishmaniasis
The randomized clinical trial that in the first phase, it will be interventional and have a control group, and it will be double-blind. In phase 2, blinding is not done and the drug is given to the patient as the main drug.
Settings and conduct
A double-blind study on 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis is carried out in several centers under the 3rd group of Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan Medical Sciences and the Health Vice-Chancellor of Esfrain Medical School in North Khorasan.
Participants/Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: 1- Patients aged at least 12 years of both sexes 2- Positive leishmania smear Exclusion criteria: 1- Pregnancy and breast feeding 2- Number of lesions over ten
Intervention groups
Intervention group: The intervention group includes 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 grams of Hyoscyamus niger along with 2 grams of propolis is used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Control group: The control group includes 150 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical treatment with amphotericin b used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. amphotericin b is prepared and provided to the patients in the same tube as the intervention group.
Main outcome variables
Measuring the diameter of lesion induration using a caliper

General information

Reason for update
Completion of the first phase and the second phase of the study
IRCT registration information
IRCT registration number: IRCT20200516047462N5
Registration date: 2022-04-12, 1401/01/23
Registration timing: prospective

Last update: 2023-09-17, 1402/06/26
Update count: 3
Registration date
2022-04-12, 1401/01/23
Registrant information
morteza kosari
Name of organization / entity
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
+98 31 5434 6622
Email address
Recruitment status
Recruitment complete
Funding source
Expected recruitment start date
2022-04-21, 1401/02/01
Expected recruitment end date
2023-01-21, 1401/11/01
Actual recruitment start date
Actual recruitment end date
Trial completion date
Scientific title
The effect of topical cream containing processes of Chelidonium majus and hyoscyamus niger with propolis on leishmaniasis : Randomized and double-blind clinical trial
Public title
The effect of Chelidonium majus and hyoscyamus niger with propolis on cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Inclusion/Exclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria:
Patients aged at least 12 years of both sexes Positive leishmania smear Real time PCR
Exclusion criteria:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding The number of lesions more than 10
From 12 years old to 85 years old
Groups that have been masked
  • Participant
  • Care provider
Sample size
Target sample size: 150
Randomization (investigator's opinion)
Randomization description
The sample is divided into two groups using the Terminated Block Randomization method with blocks of 4 and 6. Prescription drugs (intervention and control) are determined based on this method and a special number is assigned to them. The doctor and the patient do not know about receiving the drug or placebo. Codes have been recorded on the worm and only the epidemiologist as one of the plan's executors knows about it. In the second phase of the study, the doctor knows the type of prescription and the patients are randomly entered into the study, and the topical cream as the main drug will be compared with routine drugs. The first phase of the study is double blind and the second phase of the study is unblinded.
Blinding (investigator's opinion)
Double blinded
Blinding description
Intervention and control creams (Amphotericin B cream) are completely the same in terms of shape and container size. These creams also have no differences in terms of color and are completely unrecognizable. The important point is that the patient is told, which this topical cream used for patient may be a medicine or a control medicine. In blinding, both the doctor and the patient will be blinded.
Other design features

Secondary Ids


Ethics committees


Ethics committee
Name of ethics committee
Ethics committee of Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Street address
Ghotb Ravandi Blvd, Shahid Beheshti Hospital, University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.
Postal code
Approval date
2022-02-09, 1400/11/20
Ethics committee reference number

Health conditions studied


Description of health condition studied
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
ICD-10 code
ICD-10 code description
Cutaneous leishmaniasis

Primary outcomes


Complete healing of the lesion
On arrival or day zero, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment
Method of measurement
Based on measuring the diameter of the induration of the lesion using a caliper

Secondary outcomes


Intervention groups


Intervention group: The intervention group includes 75 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical cream containing 0.5 grams of Chelidonium majus and 0.5 gr of Hyoscyamus niger along with 2 gr of propolis is used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period.
Treatment - Drugs


Control group: The control group includes 75 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Topical treatment with amphotericin b used for three weeks. The duration of the use of each cream will be 7 days and the treatment will be done once a day. The patient receives a maximum of 3 creams during the treatment period. Amphotrypsin b is prepared and provided to the patients in the same tube as the intervention group.
Treatment - Drugs

Recruitment centers


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Kashan
Full name of responsible person
Morteza kosari
Street address
Ghotb Ravandi Blvd, Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Kashan
Postal code
+98 31 5554 0026


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
Esfarayen faculty of medical science ,health assistant
Full name of responsible person
Alireza Ekrami
Street address
Taleghani street , Esfarayen faculty of medical science ,health assistant
North Khorasan
Postal code
+98 83 88517


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
Abu Zaid Abad Health Center
Full name of responsible person
Nwsha behzadseresht
Street address
Beheshti Blvd, Abu Zaid Abad Health Center
Abu Zaid Abad
Postal code
+98 31 5485 4411


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
comprehensive health service center pamili
Full name of responsible person
Leila Mobini Arani
Street address
Shahid Mehrdad Rabbani St, comprehensive health service center pamili
Postal code
+98 31 5474 6230


Recruitment center
Name of recruitment center
comprehensive health service Dr. Namaki
Full name of responsible person
gila Nikbakht Bidgoli
Street address
Mohammad Hilal St, comprehensive health service Dr. Namakice center pamili
Postal code
+98 31 5472 2025

Sponsors / Funding sources


Name of organization / entity
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Dr. Hamidreza Banafsheh
Street address
Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd, Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Postal code
+98 31 5554 2999
Grant name
Grant code / Reference number
Is the source of funding the same sponsor organization/entity?
Title of funding source
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Proportion provided by this source
Public or private sector
Domestic or foreign origin
Category of foreign source of funding
Country of origin
Type of organization providing the funding

Person responsible for general inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Morteza Kosari
Ph.D. Student
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd
Postal code
+98 31 5554 2999

Person responsible for scientific inquiries

Name of organization / entity
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Morteza Kosari
Ph.D. Student
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Ghotbe Ravandi Blvd.
Postal code
+98 31 5554 2999

Person responsible for updating data

Name of organization / entity
Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Full name of responsible person
Morteza Kosari
Ph.D. Student
Latest degree
Other areas of specialty/work
Street address
Qotb Ravandi Boulevard, Kashan University of Medical Sciences
Postal code
+98 87 1598 8141

Sharing plan

Deidentified Individual Participant Data Set (IPD)
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Study Protocol
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Statistical Analysis Plan
Yes - There is a plan to make this available
Informed Consent Form
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Clinical Study Report
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Analytic Code
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Data Dictionary
Undecided - It is not yet known if there will be a plan to make this available
Title and more details about the data/document
Information about participants such as age, gender, level of education and employment will be reported. The treatment protocol and the duration of treatment process will be reported. Therapeutic results of the product and possible side effects will be reported.
When the data will become available and for how long
The start of the access period will be 6 months after patent presentation or 12 months after article publication.
To whom data/document is available
The data will be available to researchers working in academic and scientific institutes.
Under which criteria data/document could be used
The data printed in the article is accessible.
From where data/document is obtainable
Moderator: Morteza Kosari Email address: kosarimorteza12@gmail.com
What processes are involved for a request to access data/document
We will try to respond to researchers as soon as possible.